Summer CSA, week 3

  • one kohlrabi (this is new to me; suggestions welcome)
  • one head red butterhead lettuce, with some wear and tear (several detached leaves in the box)
  • unidentified greens (more on this below)
  • bunch white turnips with greens
  • small bunch baby red beets with greens
  • large bag kale
  • large bag swiss chard
  • bunch garlic scapes (these are new to me)
  • two yellow squash

(Small share contained: garlic scapes, turnips, kale, zucchini or squash?; and snow peas, salanova, green onions. The uncertainty is because the email said zucchini for both but we got yellow squash; I don't know if the small share did too.)

Last time I missed the clue to separate the turnip greens from the turnips right away, and a couple days later they were wilted and unappealing. Tonight I separated them and cooked the beet greens with onion, a garlic scape, a can of white beans, and seasonings. That was good but soupy where I expected a side dish I could eat with a fork; next time I'll reduce the liquid. (I expected more to cook off.)

The advance email listed endive. That bunch of greens in the back left doesn't look at all like the picture in the email and I didn't recognize it, so I went to the elves Internet. Here's a better picture:

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Somebody on Twitter identified it as escarole, which is related to endive, and linked to this article about the two.

In other news, the basil plant I got three weeks ago is still alive -- yay! I moved it into a new home on Sunday:

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Here's the full spread:

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